Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So much has been happening!

Life has been so amazing lately! My best friend, Brian and I have started a wonderful new chapter in our lives together recently. We are seeing our head pastor of our church every Wednesday to go through a book by Gary Chapman called The Five Love Languages Singles Edition.

This book has been so amazing to read and do with Brian. I have never had such a deep passion to make Brian feel loved! Because of this book, I have not only recommended to friends, but I have also encouraged my parents to take the test online and looking at the married edition. I have never felt so close to Brian, but also to God!


  1. I can't wait to see where God takes you and Brian. I feel blessed to a part of both of your lives! Love ya!

  2. I really want to read this book now. You two have an amazing relationship and I hope this book helped you reach even deeper levels of communication and understanding. I love you both!
