Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Life lately

So after reading my besties blogs lately (and her telling me this), I realized I should probably blog more if im gonna have a blog! So here we go!

Life has been interesting and quite the up and down adventure. School is, well, school. Constantly working on homework and the never ending projects. We are in the last few weeks of school. I'm so stressed out that the littlest things make me cry and want to curl up in Brian's arms. 

God finally blessed me with a best friend in life that I really enjoy being with, talking to, and hanging out with that I don't feel like I'm going to strangle! I talk to her everyday and I have no shame in who I am when I am with her! It is so amazing and am so happy that God brought her into my life!

My relationship with Brian is still amazing, but has been testing my patients. It isn't Brian testing, however, it is God. We are trying to get our financial lives put together so that when we do get married, we won't have to many financial woah's (because we both know there will always be those unless we hit the jackpot, and even then, there will still be woah's). I have a steady job that pays decently that will help with a lot of bills, but Brian still needs a better paying job than Home Depot. So he is either looking for a second part time job or a full time job that pays decently.  As you know that is VERY hard in this economy. In the past year he has obtained 2 full time jobs and they both fell apart as soon as we think something stable with come from it. So it has been a great test of both Brian's and my patients and we have been learning to rely on God more.

My life at home with the parents has been ever changing (as it goes with family). I do love living at home and not having to pay rent or utilities and having the parents and dog to come home to after work. However, because I am 21 years old and have experienced the freedom of living on my own, I do miss that. My parents have been kind enough to make my room in the basement a place of solitude for me and a place to get away, but it still is in my parents house. In my eyes, the positives out weigh the negatives for living at home.

My dog, Shadow is very happy and healthy! I started feeding her raw chicken instead of kibbles and she is much happier! She isn't shedding nearly as much, she seems happier, and you can tell she feels better! When I first got her, she wouldn't bark or play and now, almost 3 years later, she is barking on command, playing fetch, and tug of war. Playing with other dogs is still a trick, but I think that has to do with her past and her past abuse. I love her to death and look forward to many more years with her!

Work you ask? Well, its work. We recently changed owners in July and I do miss the old owner, but I really love having the new one. He really has the best intentions for both stores and really tries hard to keep things a float in this economy. He really takes the time to listen to me and the manager Emily on what we think is best for the stores, what should be changed and what isn't getting done around the stores. The teenagers are still an issue, but when a teenager isn't an issue, let me know and I will push to get them hired in my stores! So not only am I learning patients with my relationship with Brian, but with the teenagers at work. I am learning to stop being picky and be happy with some of the bigger things getting done. I am learning that no matter how much seniority or knowledge I have over these teenagers, they will never like or respect me, so I just don't care about what they d. Just about the stores and making money for them.

Well, I think that's pretty much it, for now. Sorry it's so long, but once you get going, its hard to stop! 

May the Lord Bless you and keep you!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I know all of these things about you but I still love reading about your life. I am glad you decided to write on here again! :) Love you!
